7 Ways to Motivate Customers to Migrate to Digital Channels

As a marketer or entrepreneur, you’re always looking for ways to motivate your customers to take action. Whether it’s increasing sales, adopting new technologies, or simply trying out a new product or service, getting customers to take that first step can be challenging.

One area where this is especially true is in migrating customers from offline to digital channels. Many businesses are now focused on moving their operations online, but getting customers to make the switch can be difficult. There could be a range of reasons. For example, the infrastructure may need more development or customers may require additional education and familiarity. If your business is prepared and demand exists, you can leverage these reliable strategies to encourage customers to take the plunge. Check out our list of 7 ways to motivate customers to migrate to digital channels today!

Readiness for digitalization

When it comes to ways to motivate customers to migrate to digital channels, not all markets and businesses are ready for the transition. Before diving into a digital strategy, it’s important to first diagnose both your own company’s and your customers’ readiness for digitalization.

  • Are you prepared with the right technology and resources?
  • Is there a demand from your customer base?
  • Is there a demand from potential customers?
  • What will you do with non-digital channels?

By asking these questions, you can better assess whether or not a migration is feasible in the current market environment.

With this information in hand, you can then move forward with an effective plan of action that will help motivate customers to join the digital revolution!

Industries with less potential for digitalization

The Covid pandemic has changed the way many industries operate, and digitalization is no exception. While some sectors have seen an uptake in the use of digital channels due to the pandemic, there are still some industries with less potential for digitalization. These include labor-intensive enterprises such as construction and manufacturing, which require the on-site presence and physical tools for operations.

In these cases, it is important to understand your customer’s needs and work together with them to identify digital solutions that can help facilitate their processes. For instance, a construction company might look into using augmented reality technology or 3D printing to create virtual prototypes of its products.

Industries with enormous potential, but where customers remain passive

Despite the readiness of certain industries to go 100% digital, not all customers have been ready or able to contribute to the sector’s growth.

For instance, in 2020 the U.S. e-commerce share of total retail revenue grew to 15.7% during Q1 (data source: Statista.com); however, this number did not reach or surpass 15% again until 2022. Analysts predict that e-commerce is likely to maintain its upward trajectory, however, there is a greater potential for growth. To spur innovation and growth in these industries, customers must be incentivized to transition from traditional channels to digital ones.

Industries where customers want to move to digital channels

One example of an industry where customers are eager to move to digital channels is the car industry. With more and more people turning to online platforms for their research, shopping, and even purchase of cars, it is essential for car companies to build an ecosystem that caters to this new wave of customers.

Developing a strong digital presence and providing customers with access to advanced features such as virtual showrooms and 360-degree tours can be a great way to get customers excited about exploring the digital world.

Industries where customers already use digital channels

High-tech and financial industries are two sectors where customers already use only or mainly digital channels. Companies in these industries have been quick to embrace the benefits of digital technology, such as increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved customer service.

These organizations understand that by leveraging the power of digital platforms, they can provide better products and services to their customers while also increasing their competitive advantage.

For example, high-tech companies are able to offer customers access to innovative features such as virtual reality experiences or augmented reality applications that can help enhance their product offerings.

Financial institutions on the other hand are able to create more secure payment solutions with blockchain technology and utilize artificial intelligence for fraud detection and prevention. This shift towards digitalization has allowed these companies to stay ahead of the competition in a rapidly changing landscape.

Are your company ready to do business on digital channels?

Every company is different and has its own set of circumstances when it comes to digitalization. Before taking the plunge into a fully or partly digital business model, it is essential to research both the real and potential situations that your company may face.

It is important to understand:

  • what kind of technology solutions are available, and how they can be implemented in your industry (technologies to capture, store, manage, and analyze customer biga data in real-time)
  • is your business model digitized so that it is tailored to the demands of today’s digital world,
  • if your company has financial resources for investing in new technologies,
  • any potential legal implications that could arise from using certain technologies,
  • are employees equipped with the necessary digital tools,
  • do you have personnel with the necessary competencies and skills (UX/UI designers, data scientists, IT architects, etc),
  • whether or not there is sufficient customer demand for them,
  • are the majority of customers with digital skills.

By carefully researching these elements beforehand, companies can ensure that their move toward digital channels will be successful and profitable in the long run.

Strategies to Enhance Your Digital Abilities

When you’ve identified that your organization is ready to shift operations into digital spaces and motivate customers to join, it’s time to create strategies for building digital capabilities.

Build and invest in digital infrastructure

In order to be competitive in an increasingly digital world, companies must focus on building and investing in their digital infrastructure. This includes everything from customer data infrastructure, personalization, and predictive marketing, to technologies for big data.

Companies must often reengineer their business processes to optimize for a digital environment. It is likely that companies will need to digitalize their assets and invest in Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.

Create a digital customer experience

Companies should focus on creating a remarkable digital customer experience and make regular updates in order to ensure that their needs are met.

This means providing customers with the tools and resources they need to easily navigate the company’s digital platform and access the products or services they are looking for quickly and efficiently.

To achieve this, companies must continuously monitor customer feedback, evaluate analytics, and make adjustments to ensure that their customers are getting the best possible experience.

Develop an intelligent data strategy

Analyzing customer data is essential for understanding customer preferences and behaviors, as well as for targeted marketing campaigns and promotions.

To do this, companies must create an intelligent data strategy and invest in technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

AI and ML-powered solutions can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing companies to better understand their customers’ needs and create more tailored experiences.

Build smart digital organization

In order to succeed in the digital world, companies must focus on building a smart digital organization. This means investing in digital tools and skills that can help employees work remotely with colleagues and customers.

Additionally, having remote collaboration tools like video conferencing, chat platforms, document-sharing software, etc., will enable teams to stay connected even when they are working from different locations.

Position your company as a digital company

Positioning your company as a digital-first organization not only helps to attract customers but also ensures that all stakeholders and staff are on the same page when it comes to how the business should be run.

Finally, having remote collaboration tools will enable teams and customers to stay connected even when they are in different locations, thus providing an efficient way of communicating.

Develop a comprehensive cybersecurity plan

Finally, companies must develop a comprehensive cybersecurity plan in order to protect customer data from malicious attacks. This includes investing in the latest technologies as well as providing employees with training and education on the latest security protocols.

By covering all of these areas, companies can ensure that they are taking the right steps to successfully transition into a digitally-driven organization.

Now that you understand what it takes to be a successful digital company, create an actionable plan for motivating customers to transition from traditional channels and utilize your digital channels. To ensure success, we have identified seven essential ways to motivate customers to migrate to digital channels – without them, your chances of success are greatly diminished.

#1 Make it easy for customers to find your digital channels

Providing digital channels to communicate with your customers has never been more important. It is critical that you make it easy for customers to find and use these options, as it will make their experience much smoother and more efficient. To do this:

  • keep digital channels prominently displayed on your website, social media pages, newsletters, emails, and other sources of communication,
  • include clear call-to-action statements that are easy to understand and
  • show how customers can take the next step in utilizing these digital channels.

If done correctly, customers won’t be catching themselves searching for the best way to connect – they will already know where to go.

#2 Give personalized digital experience to motivate customers to migrate to digital channels

In order to motivate customers to migrate to digital channels, businesses should offer a better customer experience in those channels. This means providing personalized service and support that is tailored based on the customer’s individual needs and preferences.

To do this, businesses can use customer data such as purchase history, demographics, page views, or other information to deliver personalized experiences. By demonstrating to customers that they are valued as individuals, businesses can encourage them to make the switch to digital channels.

#3 Offer incentives to motivate customers to migrate to digital channels

Incentives are a great way to motivate customers to try something new – especially if it’s digital! Offering discounts, promotions, or other rewards for using digital channels is a surefire way to get customers over the hump and encourage them to give digital a try.

Examples of Incentives 

When it comes to offering incentives, the possibilities are endless. Here are some popular examples for you to consider when creating your digital promotions: 


Offer customers discounts or coupons on products or services as an incentive for them to make a purchase from your business online. This helps draw attention to your online store while also rewarding customers with savings. 

Free Shipping

If you offer e-commerce, free shipping can be an attractive incentive for customers who would otherwise have paid high shipping costs. This can help attract new customers while also increasing sales. 

Points/Rewards Programs

Reward programs are a great way to incentivize customer loyalty by offering rewards points that accumulate over time and can be used toward future purchases or special offers.

Referral Programs

You can also incentivize referrals by offering rewards or discounts when a customer refers their friends or family members to your business. This will not only increase sales but also help you gain more exposure from word-of-mouth marketing. 

Why incentives motivate customers to migrate to digital channels

Incentives are powerful motivators for consumers because they give people something tangible in exchange for their money or time spent engaging with your business.

By providing an added bonus, you demonstrate that you value their patronage and appreciation by giving them something extra that they wouldn’t get elsewhere.

Additionally, offering incentives gives people a reason to act now instead of waiting for another opportunity; this sense of urgency encourages more immediate action and increased engagement with your brand’s digital channels.  

7 tips to motivate customers to migrate to digital channels
7 Ways to Encourage Customers to Use Digital Channels

#4 Educate customers on the benefits of digital channels

Many customers may be hesitant to make the switch because they don’t understand how it will benefit them. Take the time to explain why going digital is the right move for them, whether it’s the convenience of ordering online, access to discounts and specials, or other advantages.

Tools for educating customers


Webinars are an excellent way to provide customers with an in-depth overview of the benefits to use your digital channels.

Webinars also allow you to engage with participants and answer any questions they may have about using your digital channel. You can even use polls or surveys during a webinar to measure customer satisfaction and get feedback on how you can improve customer experience on digital channels. 


Newsletters are another great way to keep customers informed about your digital channel, as well as any discounts or promotions that might be available.

Newsletters also provide an opportunity for customers to stay up-to-date with industry trends, enabling them to make more informed purchasing decisions.

Additionally, newsletters can help build relationships with customers by providing helpful content such as tips and advice related to your digital channel, product, or service.  

Social Media Platforms 

Social media platforms are great for engaging directly with customers and educating them about your digital channels.

Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn enable businesses to promote their offerings in an interactive way that allows for two-way conversations between companies and their audiences.

With social media platforms, businesses can quickly reach large numbers of people who may not have known about the possibility to use your digital channels.

Additionally, these platforms enable businesses to easily measure customer engagement through likes, comments, shares, etc., allowing them to better understand customer preferences and tailor their marketing messages accordingly.  

#5 Be patient and understanding

It’s important to remember that some customers may need more time than others when it comes to adapting to digital channels. Rather than pushing them into it, take the time to listen to their concerns and offer helpful advice on how to navigate the digital world.

#6 Provide customer support To motivate customers to migrate to digital channels

Having a team of knowledgeable customer service professionals available to answer any questions or address any problems customers may have is key when it comes to convincing customers that digital channels are safe and secure.

Customers should feel comfortable and confident when using digital services, so having a reliable customer service team in place will go a long way toward building trust.

#7 Provide feedback loops for customers

In order to keep customers engaged and motivated, it’s important to provide them with a way to give feedback on their experience.

By regularly gathering customer feedback, businesses can identify any issues that may be preventing customers from using digital services, as well as any opportunities for improvement.

This will ensure that customers can easily provide feedback and get the help they need in order to properly use digital channels – making their experience much more enjoyable.


Digital channels are becoming increasingly popular and it’s important for businesses to ensure that customers understand the benefits of using them. By providing education through webinars, newsletters, and social media platforms, offering incentives, customer support, and feedback loops, companies can make sure their customers feel comfortable and motivated making the switch from traditional to digital ones.

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